Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

sexta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2017


Nathanael recognizes Jesus as the true Messiah: "Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel." Such recognition comes from the fact that Nathaniel is an authentic, humble Israelite who is able to change his own convictions to embrace the thought of God and is willing to follow the truth regardless of any socio-religious imposition. Indeed, those who find the truth do not want to either return to the previous path or divert it to new roads. And he is still a servant, an authentic instrument for the discovery of this same truth, so that all may share in the same joy.
4. Nathanael's confession is only a beginning, for greater things will come, for example, to the realization of the dream of Jacob (cf. Gn 28,10-22): "You will see the open sky and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man. " Four things are important in this sentence of the Gn: in the first place the VERB VER, which first indicates who already has the predisposition to the HIGH, that is, to God. In other words, he or she who seeks the things of the Lord. Secondly, comes the expression "the open sky", opposing the closure of paradise, appears here as a possibility for those who respond to the call of God. Third, spiritual beings in the service of the SON OF MAN. Such beings called angels are by nature spirits and by force of mission, angels. They are at the service of the ONLY able to save mankind. Fourthly, the SON OF MAN interpreted in the Gospel as Jesus, who is the essential link between God and men, the Way that leads to the Father, the One who demands of each one to want to find Him, to experience Him, to share the same mission, to witness to Him and to lead to Him all who open themselves to the new life of the Master of Nazareth.
A strong and affectionate hug.

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