Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

sábado, 28 de outubro de 2017

God wants to save us

Jesus was in the midst of the people, but he knew the Law of God, knew the human heart, and knew the best way to save all, rich and poor, from the personal chains and traps of sin and the devil. To detonate Jesus before the people, the Pharisees prepare a trap for him (perazein). The expression used in the text of the Gospels is the same used in the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness (Mt 4,1), meaning, according to Mt, that the Pharisees act in the likeness of the devil. The falsehood of these leaders indicates the mask of Jesus' enemy.
Jesus responds to them by using two important texts of the Old Testament, well known to them: Deut. 6: 5 and Lev. 19:18. With this, Jesus affirms that all Sacred Scripture is summed up in "Love to God absolutely and neighbor to himself". In other words, Jesus reveals the impossibility of loving God without love of neighbor. And yet He means that the way of being of the Pharisees is completely wrong when it comes to the treatment of the people of God, for they treat him, as we have seen above, as a cursed, impure, sinful and ignorant. To this people, the Pharisaic attitude is one of contempt, hatred and defamation. There is an enmity on the part of these leaders towards the population. So Jesus shows that there are no two loves: one to God and one to neighbor. In fact, the way one loves God is to love one's neighbor, which is the measure of love for God. No one is faithful to God, his brother despising the other.
A strong and affectionate hug.

Fr. José Erinaldo

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