Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2022



I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; that was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, killed and buried. He went down to the mansion of the dead; rose on the third day; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, whence he will come to judge the living and the dead; I believe in the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Catholic Church, in the communion of saints, in the remission of sins, in the resurrection of the flesh, in eternal life. Amen. Divine Jesus, we offer You our prayers. We contemplate the resurrection of Jesus. Death is not the end for those who believe in Jesus. The victory over death, the hope in eternal life, the sending to announce the good news, the remission of sins. The peace of Jesus to those who follow Him. We contemplate the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ to Heaven. Returning to the Father to prepare a place for us and to take care of each one of us, interceding with God for the forgiveness of our sins. Mother of God and Our Lady, help us to keep the connection to the heart of Jesus always alive, because He is the way to the Father. With you, we want to transform our life into the project that God thought for us. We contemplate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles gathered with the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem. The coming of the Promised One, the Holy Spirit Paraclete: the advocate-defender. The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything he told you. The coming of the Promised, the Holy Spirit Paraclete: the defender-advocate. The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I told you. The Holy Spirit that we received in Baptism is our conductor, defends us before the Father, because we have an accuser day and night who accuses us before God… Satan; but the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, prays in us with ineffable moans, for we do not know what to ask of God. We contemplate the assumption of Our Lady into Heaven: the encounter of the Mother with the Son in heaven. Conceived without sin Holy Virgin deserving of all graces. The Father's favorite daughter, always faithful to God, always kept everything in her heart, virgin of silence, her body temple of the Holy Spirit, Living Tabernacle, could not be corrupted by the earth as a simple sinner. We contemplate the coronation of Our Lady as Queen of all angels and saints. Queen of Angels: A woman dressed in the Sun, on her head a crown of stars and on her feet the moon. Queen of the Earth, Queen of the Church, powerful intercessor with Jesus, has the power to crush the head of the infernal dragon, at the time of our death she will defend us with Jesus, and to all those who, out of love for her and her son, are faithful in prayer, we lay roses at your feet...


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