We contemplate the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. With a humble attitude, he shows us the initial path of Salvation: the acceptance of God as our only Lord. Christ is the light of the world, Light is the attribute of divinity. “This was the true light, which comes into the world for all” (Jn 1,9). "Whoever follows me ..." - said Jesus - will have the light of life "(Jn 8:12). We Christians are “children of the light” (cf. Eph 5: 8). The light of Christ is carried to the whole world by his disciples. Baptism of Jesus - As Christ descends into the water of the Jordan River, as an innocent man who has sinned for us (cf 2Cor 5:21), heaven opens and the Father's voice proclaims him a beloved Son (cf Mt 3,17) , at the same time that the Spirit invests him in the mission that awaited him. We contemplate his self-revelation at the wedding at Cana, when he turned water into wine. At his mother's request, Jesus begins his journey towards the Salvation of Men by performing his first miracle. Self-revelation of Jesus at the wedding at Cana - Mystery of light is the beginning of signs in Cana (cf Jn 2: 1-12), when Christ, transforming water into wine, opens the hearts of the disciples to faith thanks to the intervention of Mary, the first among those who believe. We contemplate the announcement of the Kingdom of God with an invitation to conversion. Jesus invites us to convert ourselves fully to the laws of God in search of eternal happiness. The announcement of the Good News brings the hope of a better world for all men. Jesus announces the Kingdom of God with an invitation to conversion - Mystery of light is the preaching with which Jesus announces the advent of the Kingdom of God and invites conversion (cf Mc 1,15), forgiving the sins of those who address him with humble confidence (cf Mc 2,3-1; Lk 7,47s), beginning of the mystery of mercy that he will continue to exercise until the end of the world, especially the reconciliation entrusted to his Church (cf Jn 20,22s) We contemplate the transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus He shows the Apostles and all human beings His true divine essence. His light guides us to follow the paths of good. Transfiguration of Jesus - Mystery of light par excellence is the transfiguration that, according to tradition, took place on Mount Tabor. The glory of the divinity shines in the face of Christ, while the Father presents him to the ecstatic apostles so that they “hear” him (cf. Lk 9:35) and are willing to live with him the painful moment of passion, in order to arrive with him to the glory of the resurrection and to a life transfigured by the Holy Spirit. Such a powerful God became our food, he is within us, in mine and in his love.
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