Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

quarta-feira, 14 de julho de 2021



At birth, good and evil want us. We were placed in the world and we think that this is our place. The Father, all concerned with our salvation, sends prophets for us to recognize that he is our God and Father. God presents himself To Moses in the old and in the new time, sends his son into the world, so that we fulfill his commandments of love, for love does not hurt the other. Our action in life is to carry a message of eternal life, for God nothing is impossible. At that time, Jesus began to say: “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding, and have revealed them to little ones. 26Yes, Father, because it was your pleasure. 27Everything has been given to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father, except the Son and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal him”. Exodus – In those days, 1Moses shepherded the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, priest of Midian. One day he took the flock into the desert and came to the mountain of God, Horeb. 2The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. Moses noticed that the bush was on fire, but was not consumed, and said to himself: 3“I am going to approach this extraordinary sight, to see why the bush is not consumed”. 4The Lord saw Moses approaching to watch and called him from the midst of the bush, saying: “Moses! Moisés!" He replied, "Here I am." 5And God said: “Do not come near! Take off the sandals from your feet, because the place where you are is a holy ground”. 6And he added: "I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Moses covered his face, for he was afraid to look at God. 9“And now the cry of the children of Israel has come to me, and I have seen the oppression which the Egyptians weigh upon them. 10But go, I send you to Pharaoh, that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt”. 11And Moses said to God, "Who am I to go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?" 12God said to him: “I will be with you; and this will be the sign that I sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain”. One day we will all be together, in this beautiful place of happiness, where there is no death.

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