Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

sábado, 14 de outubro de 2023

Lord, if you take into account our faults, who can survive? But forgiveness is found in you, God of Israel (Ps 129:3s).


Lord, if you take into account our faults, who can survive? But forgiveness is found in you, God of Israel (Ps 129:3s).

The Lord, who puts an end to the dishonor of his people, prepares a banquet for us in his house, to celebrate his salvation. The outgoing Church, making synodality its way of being, shares the difficulties of humanity and announces the joy and hope of the Gospel along paths and crossroads, inviting everyone. Dressed in festive attire, let us take part in the community-wife of Christ.

First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10

Reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah – 6The Lord of hosts will give on this mountain, for all peoples, a banquet of rich delicacies, washed down with pure wine, served with delicious dishes and the finest wines. 7He will remove, on this mountain, the end of the chain that bound all the peoples, the web in which he had entangled all the nations. 8The Lord God will eliminate death forever, and will wipe away tears from all faces, and will put an end to the dishonor of his people throughout the earth; the Lord said it. 9In that day it will be said: “This is our God, we waited for him until he saved us; This is the Lord, we have trusted in him: let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us.” 10And the hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain. - Word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm: 22(23)

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

1. The Lord is the shepherd who leads me; / I don't lack anything. / Through the green meadows and meadows / he takes me to rest. / To the restful waters he leads me / and he restores my strength. – R.

2. He guides me on the safest path, / for the honor of his name. / Even if I pass through the dark valley, / I will fear no evil; / you are with me with rod and staff: / they give me security! – R.

3. You prepare a table in front of me, / in full view of the enemy, / and with oil you anoint my head; / my cup overflows. – R.

4. Happiness and every good thing will follow me / throughout my life; / and in the house of the Lord I will dwell / for infinite times. – R.

Second Reading: Philippians 4:12-14:19-20

Reading of Saint Paul's letter to the Philippians – Brothers, 12I know how to live in poverty and I know how to live in abundance. I learned the secret of living in any and all situations, whether full or hungry, having plenty or suffering need. 13I can do all things through him who gives me strength. 14Yet you did well to share my troubles. 19My God will splendidly provide for all your needs from his riches in Christ Jesus. 20To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen. – Word of the Lord.

Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14 or 1-10

[The short form is in brackets.]

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

May the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ / give us the spirit of knowledge; / let us thus know the hope / to which he called us, as an inheritance! (Eph 1,17s) – R.

Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew – [At that time, 1Jesus spoke again in parables to the high priests and the elders of the people, saying: 2“The Kingdom of Heaven is like the story of the king who prepared the wedding feast of his son. 3And he sent his servants to call the guests to the feast, but they did not want to go. 4The king sent other servants, saying: 'Tell the guests: I have prepared the banquet, the oxen and the fatted animals have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the party!’ 5But the guests paid no attention: one went to his field, another to his business, 6others grabbed the servants, beat them and killed them. 7The king was indignant and sent his troops to kill those murderers and burn their city. 8Then the king said to the servants, 'The wedding feast is ready, but the guests were not worthy of it. 9Therefore, go to the crossroads and invite everyone you find to the party. 10Then the servants went out into the streets and gathered together everyone they found, both bad and good. And the party room was full of guests.] 11When the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing a party attire 12and asked him, 'Friend, how did you get in here without your party attire?' the man responded nothing. 13Then the king said to those who served, 'Bind this man's hands and feet and throw him out into the darkness! Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14For many are called, but few are chosen.” – Word of salvation.


The wedding party or banquet, in the Bible, is a symbol of God's covenant with the people. The king represents God. The son who marries is Jesus. The servants rejected by religious leaders are the prophets. The first guests say yes, but don't show up. God does not give up and makes a new invitation. But the guests, involved in their personal interests (field, business), do not pay attention. Others turn to violence and kill the prophets. The king's reaction is an allusion to the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD.

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