Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2024

The Lord chose seventy-two other disciples. In his letter to the Romans, Saint Paul gives an interesting sequence on the question of choice:

 The Lord chose seventy-two other disciples. In his letter to the Romans, Saint Paul gives an interesting sequence on the question of choice: God knows, predestines to be conformed to the image of his Son, calls, justifies and glorifies (cf. Rom 8:29-30). Therefore, the choice is part of a whole that tends to the glorification of the chosen one, that is, it tends to the fulfillment of the first vocation of each human being (GS 22:5). As for the 72, Luke brings to mind an important Jewish fact of the time: the Jews believe that when the law was promulgated on Sinai, the number of nations in existence corresponded to 70. Thus, sending 72 disciples would be like emphasizing the universality of Jesus' mission. It is also important to note that the 72 do not form just any group, but an authentic discipleship of Jesus, alongside the apostles, to carry out the very mission of the Master.

2. The disciple is someone chosen by the Master, he was invited by the Lord's initiative. He did not become what he chose by himself, but he was chosen. Jesus granted him the grace to carry out his same mission, to go to the same people, using his healing power and his same words, with the same goal in mind. In other words, the disciple, having the honor of being a disciple, must be like his Master, acting according to the Lord. The condition of the disciple is the same as that of the Master: meekness, poverty and peacemaking; his requirement is to be faithful, to be all for God and for those most in need, to proclaim the Kingdom, not to fear being rejected, not to abandon, for any reason, the announcement of the Kingdom; and, finally, he must throw himself completely into the hands of the Lord. There must be nothing that prevents the disciple from fighting for the Kingdom of God. The world is hostile to him, as the nations were to Israel, and the same with regard to the early Christian community. The world wants to destroy the Christian faith, but the disciple does not fear this world, a world of ravenous wolves. The disciple fights, being himself light in the Light, which is Jesus Christ, being a “sheep”, poor in the riches of the world, focused on the salvific mission, simple and full of the grace of God to free those in need. 3. Woe to those who reject a disciple of the Lord, for it means putting their own salvation at risk, and it is a form of rejection of Jesus Christ himself. Those who reject a disciple despise those who identify with the disciple. The disciple is an oasis of God on earth, a horizon for the world, a hope in the midst of war, a flower in the desert of life, a consolation for all. The presence of someone sent by Jesus Christ is a sign of God’s remembrance, of the respect He has for His own, an act of kindness in the midst of history. Opening the doors to disciples is opening them to the entrance of heaven in that house. The opposite is also true. The disciple is available, detached, supportive, a brother and friend to those who receive him, he is a gift for all, he makes himself the presence of God wherever he is. 4. We need to pray that God will send more workers to his Church, faithful men and women, passionate about the salvation of humanity, people who are not afraid to give their lives for the good of all. Whether lay people, religious, or priests, we are all called to carry out God’s will in the world, fighting against darkness. Some say that today there is a tremendous shortage of vocations, but I do not completely believe that. What I see, in addition to the lack of interest of many, is the coldness of those who could be an authentic sign of vocation for others, and little willingness to prepare priests who are happy with the priesthood of Christ, as well as in religious life, men and women who are enchanted with the Lord based on the testimony they have received. Vocations are right there, at the door, and we need to look at them more carefully. In fact, our gaze is turned to what interests us most. Perhaps other things are being considered more pleasant, more attractive, more significant than the Lord himself, which indicates a tremendous spiritual disaster. In view of this, let us pray with greater fervor, delight and intensity, and let us be true instruments in the hands of God, so that He may accomplish what He desires in the Church, in us and for the world. Standing firm in God, let us go forth among the wolves, certain that they will want us dead, but, turning the other cheek, let us strive to kill in them that which makes them wolves, so that they may become loving lambs, aware that they belong to God. Our struggle, therefore, is gigantic, but we will win if we are fully allied with the Savior. A warm and loving hug.

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