Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2019

We want to be with God one day.

We want to be with God one day.
The Kingdom of God does not depend on human efforts to develop. It is God's will to make disciples determined to proclaim His Kingdom, to strive for His establishment, to have Him present, but it is for the Lord alone to grow. Man casts the seed, but he waits for the earth to do its part. It is simply a matter of cleaning, caring, but without any internal participation in the plant. Although this attitude of care is linked to our culture, because in the context of Jesus, the common thing was to sow the seed and return there only at the time of harvest. The Kingdom of God unfolds mysteriously according to the designs of the same God.

2. The Kingdom begins very insignificant, the size of a mustard seed, almost of no value or expression (see also Ezekiel 17,23-24). Just as happened with the coming of the Divine Word, made a child, simple, poor, rejected by society, and without expression. So it was with the first disciples, sinful men, poor, the "rest of Israel." Once thrown into the earth, the seed sprouts, grows and becomes the largest of all vegetables, as you can see in the hills of the Sea of ​​Galilee, where the vegetables reach even a little more than 3m high. The same with Jesus and his disciples. Once acting, totally open to God, through God's "sap," His power, the Holy Spirit, develops and becomes universal (symbolized by birds: nations, in their branches) that or those who were so apparently or even in a real way. There is a true invitation to hope and trust, based on faith and not on human calculations and inventions.

3. The grace of God is he who acts, that his Kingdom may be established and the place necessary for the salvation of all. From the beginning, by the will of Jesus Christ, the Church asks the Father to send his Kingdom, characterized as Love, Truth, Justice, Peace, Solidarity, Compassion, Forgiveness, etc. In other words, Jesus Christ is the present and active Kingdom in history, in which love was called OBLATIVITY (total surrender for the good of the other), the Truth being Himself in person, revealing himself as the true Life, living in solidarity, pity for all, realizing the justice of the Father, forgiving all who were truly converted and proclaiming Peace. It is also the new way of seeing the reality of the world, the new way of thinking humanity and its future and the future of those who choose to follow His Word decisively. Only through Him will there be a future, that is, there will be fruit and harvest, but also with the historical, free and responsible participation of His followers.

4. Of the three groups that followed him: the disciples, the multitude, and the scribes and Pharisees, only those who came to him with true faith revealed the meaning of the parables, the message of the Kingdom, the truth about God, and about the man. In other words, in order to reach a greater understanding of God, it is necessary to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, to be a friend to him, to live in his intimacy and to let go of the logic of the world, opening himself entirely to his teachings. The multitude can not live this way, for many seek only their interests; so did the scribes and Pharisees, who always wanted an opportunity to destroy Jesus before all. Indeed, they blinded the mystery of the presence of the Word of God, unable to see the expected Messiah and through him the presence of the Kingdom of God. In fact, as for the expectation of the coming of the Messiah, they were impatient, violent, and proud, attached to human forms of conviction, such as logic, domain of the word, apologetic discourse, triumphalism, practicalism and geographical, mathematical, and quantitative precisions; , self confidence. Jesus teaches the opposite: patience, commitment, in the sense of being detached and totally available to the will of God, trust and humility. The disciple should rejoice to be part of this Kingdom and, at the same time, be his instrument.

5. It is necessary to overcome the Zealots' impatience and the calculations of those who formed the apocalyptic group. Jesus was not encouraging a calm passavinent contrary to the obligation of real decision-making and courage to overcome the difficult times, but giving the disciples hope and confidence, an expression of faith in a context of spiritual coldness and persecution. Like the disciples and the community of Mark, the text also speaks to us today in the face of a world indifferent to God and his work, to truth and life, to everything that concerns the greater good of the human being. More than ever, we need to fully adhere to God, to know Him as deeply as possible through Jesus Christ, to wait on Him and, full of trust, to put our whole being at the disposal of His will. Involved in the cause of the Kingdom, make our reality of body and soul an authentic instrument of salvation.

A strong and caring

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