Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

domingo, 18 de junho de 2017

Jesus traveled through cities and towns.

"Jesus traveled through cities and towns." As he mingled with the people, he found that a flock without a shepherd is at the mercy of corrupt, enslaving, and therefore inhuman leaders. He then sought to make His message reach all without exception. Where did he preach? The text is clear: in the synagogues there. Synagogues are places of prayer and reflection of the Old Testament on the part of the Jews. After the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, God's people came to gather in smaller "temples" in order to remain steadfast in living and learning the Law of God. In these little "temples," Jesus preached. So did his disciples at the beginning of Christianity until they were expelled from the Jewish coexistence. What did Jesus announce? The answer is also clear: the Gospel of the Kingdom. Indeed, Jesus Himself is the present Kingdom in the history of mankind. One way in which the Kingdom is proclaimed is that of physical deliverance through miracles, which served as signs of God's merciful action toward men and women, and at the same time as an indication of the presence of the Savior God.

2. Jesus has compassion on the multitudes. You know they are in the world without real leaders; Who are exposed to any kind of persecution, assault, robbery, murder, satanic onslaught, personal and the like. In addition, they suffer from the corruption of political, economic and religious leaders. They are hungry for daily bread and physical and spiritual liberation; Are thirsting for justice, love, hope and faith. They live in a world without horizon and authentic references. Whoever should take them has turned their backs on them: the shepherds of Israel, certainly condemned in Ezek 34. In the face of such a large flock, Jesus reflects on the great challenge of gathering these people, giving them what is really essential. There are Jesus and his Apostles, also some disciples, what to do then? Jesus asks his people to pray to the Lord of the Messe, the Father, to send workers, authentic leaders, people totally involved in the cause of the Kingdom, completely in love with the evangelizing mission and knowers of the doctrine of salvation, so that they may, Of an inhuman world, to act as God's transparency in history, witnessing the truth, love and life for the lives of all in love and truth. These should help in the harvest, because the one who makes the fruit grow and bear fruit is the Lord himself.

3. Jesus calls his apostles. It is not a hierarchy hungry for power and authority, but a missionary "family," prefigured in the 12 tribes of Judah and destined to proclaim salvation to all peoples. Jesus did not want a thinking elite, but working friends in the MESSE of God. The apostles have no other purpose but the MISSION. They were not made defenders of institutions, but concrete agents of the liberation of the "lost sheep of the house of Israel," from those who were robbed of freedom and dignity. Therefore give them their power; They form them in their doctrine; Sends them to the same people; And they must perform such mission as servants in the likeness of the Servant. The disciples of Jesus will do the same things done by Him. They will not fear the world nor the power of God in them. They must apply what they are, by God's grace, to the benefit of all. They must be God's gifts for the saving good of mankind. Certainly, in the context of Jesus, first of all to the Jews, but without denying that the liberating mission is for all peoples, for we all belong to God. Jesus did not call them to become men of the Law, but true shepherds, giving, as in many cases, their lives for the life of the flock.

4. Today we are called to respond to this call of Jesus. More than ever, our society and our world need men and women committed to the mission of evangelization. Humanity goes without direction, without destiny, without horizon, without reference. It is urgent that men and women arise from prayer and commitment; People who know the doctrine and truth of the human being; Men and women capable of being instruments of God's action in history, having as sole interest to do good, to save and educate in faith those who will be the new disciples of Jesus. You can not waste any more time! Now is the time to make a radical decision for Christ. The call of God has not been ceased. God did not give up calling men and women to the mission. If in you there is a small flame of an invitation from God, then open your heart and give yourself to Him without fear. Do not destroy within yourself the gift of God for the salvation of the other.

A strong and affectionate hug.

Fr. José Erinaldo

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