Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

sábado, 26 de outubro de 2024

Man interprets what interests him. The present time will only be part of his concerns if there is something in it that is within his scope of desires.

 Man interprets what interests him. The present time will only be part of his concerns if there is something in it that is within his scope of desires. It has always been this way. There will only be a deepening of what one desires with all one's heart. Man does not interpret the present time in the light of faith because his heart is far from the good that it can bring him. He is not very interested in having or not having Jesus Christ, following in his footsteps, submitting to a religion, leaving what he has to live what seems like an illusion. Modern man wants to live in the constant struggle for financial fulfillment and his carnal dreams (often) and other passions. Everything is interpreted in the light of himself. Even in an environment of faith, there are clear signs of religious prostitution when following Christ is mixed with ideologies that are contrary to the will of God. Many follow the ideas of atheist philosophers, lazy people and enemies of any expression of faith, endorsing a kind of Christian mask; their hearts are kind to those who defend their “lines”, their ways of understanding the Gospel. If you think according to the doctrine, then it is a problem. Don't want to be friends with those who are a stumbling block. Competition is one of the key words of the present. Then, from a religious point of view, there are those who exploit the innocence of others, using Holy Scripture to deceive them. They play the satanic game against Jesus Christ himself, deceiving the sheep of the Lord's flock. Furthermore, religious capitalism today is an authentic sign of the decadence of man, involved with the devil. When Christ is spoken of, it is only to enslave the innocent, imposing blinders and chains on them, taking away from them the rest that they still have. The growing phenomenon of sects is a sign of Satan's cunning against Jesus Christ, who preached the renunciation of everything in view of the Kingdom of God.

2. The present time of Luke is the presence of the Messiah, the Savior. God came for his people, came to save humanity, but his own did not see him. Certainly, other things were part of their interests. With his presence, Jesus brings the definitive judgment. Choosing Christ means giving a free response to the Father, allowing oneself to be led along the only path of plenitude, of human dignity, of the elevation of the person to the dignity of a child of God, participants in the divine nature. Only through Christ will man find his legitimate future, the purpose for which he was created, for which the Word became flesh. It is only in this world, while he is on this path, that man has to make his choice, which cannot be other than to abandon the condition of the old man, selfish, self-centered, individualistic, and become the new man of solidarity, fraternity, truth and love. It is about the man who seeks to resolve his problems with others as a brother, forgiving and fighting together the difficulties that impede the construction of a true fraternity. 3. The present time is the time of the discovery of oneself as a gift from God. Christ not only makes this discovery possible for us, but will also lead us to its fulfillment. Those who encounter Christ and surrender themselves to Him completely are not lost, but realize how blind they were before, how they were enemies of themselves and others. The encounter with Christ enables man to further develop his abilities, his dreams, his faculties, his family, community and society. The whole world gains when man decides to live the true faith, when he decides to repent of his sins, when he decides to feed on the Body and Blood of Christ and do good.

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