Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque eles herdarão a terra; Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque eles serão fartos; Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque eles alcançarão misericórdia; Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque eles verão a Deus; Bem-aventurados os pacificadores, porque eles serão chamados filhos de Deus; Bem-aventurados os que sofrem perseguição por causa da justiça, porque deles é o reino dos céus; Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando vos injuriarem e perseguirem e, mentindo, disserem todo o mal contra vós por minha causa.(Mt.5)

sábado, 28 de setembro de 2024

The text clearly reveals the importance of the NAME of Jesus for the salvation of the world.

 . The text clearly reveals the importance of the NAME of Jesus for the salvation of the world. It does not mean that the "name" alone can do something, but because it belongs to the Holy of Holies, to the Son of the Most High, to the Liberator. It is, therefore, a fearsome, holy name that reveals the salvific mission of the Son of God. Using the name of Jesus to do good is a sign of drawing closer to Him and recognizing His person. In a certain way, it constitutes a hidden admiration, but one that seeks to manifest itself. Whoever uses the name of Jesus can, little by little, walk in His direction.

2. Acting in the name of Jesus means submitting to the way He acts, having the same liberating interest in people. A very serious problem arises when many use this name to obtain material goods, exploit people, manipulate consciences and distort the Gospel itself. Today, as is well known, sectarian groups are growing at an alarming rate, using the Word of God, the name of Jesus, for the sole purpose of profit. In this situation, proclaiming the name of Jesus is not a benefit, but a way of eliminating its power and relativizing its meaning. On the other hand, many, despite this, come to know Jesus. Therefore, it is not appropriate to fight against those who profess Him, who are not in tune with Him, because, in the end, the Truth will win, because the Name of Jesus is strong enough to transform the place where it is found.

3. It is not up to the disciples to prevent others from speaking in the name of Jesus. That is not their mission. They were given the mission of announcing and bearing witness to the truth according to the teachings of the Master. Their concern should be to proclaim the Word of God worthily, bearing witness to it among men and women, going to all corners of the earth. The desire to imprison Jesus in the universe of their concepts and way of thinking does not match the reality of the disciples; it is not up to them to be Christ's owners, but rather His legitimate envoys. They should be tolerant and remain in tune with Christ and available to the same salvific practice as the Master. The disciples must be aware of their intimacy with Jesus and the truth they have learned, certain of their mission and identification with the Light of the world, becoming light themselves.

4. From this relationship of identification, we have the aforementioned little ones who are the disciples of Jesus, with whom He Himself identifies, as has already been said. All the good that is done to one of the disciples is done to Christ, but the evil that is done to them is also done to Christ. Jesus Christ does not separate himself from his chosen ones, he loves them deeply and gives his life for them. Jesus is concerned with the dignity of each disciple and with their salvation. Jesus is so concerned with his disciples that if someone puts any of them in a crisis of faith, he is committing a more serious error than suffering a brutal death, with no chance of liberation.

5. Another important point is that of the action against oneself. Jesus demonstrates total radicalism in the confrontation between the personal dignity of the disciple and a possible choice of sin that he himself made. The text shows Jesus' very keen concern regarding the value of human beings in God's plan. One should not, under any circumstances, consider the practice of sin in anyone's life, neither in the external world nor in one's internal reality. Anyone who leads a disciple to weaken his faith is considered someone who must die; anyone who causes sin to himself must radically eliminate the cause of such misfortune in his life, because the result will be his own death. Because Jesus is all love and self-giving for the salvation of the world, he cannot tolerate sin, which means affiliation with Satan and, therefore, opposition to God's saving plan.

6. A disciple is, therefore, someone who identifies himself totally with Christ, feeling with Him the reality of each person, placing himself at the disposal of God's will for the salvation of the world and becoming an authentic instrument of the Almighty. He is someone in constant war, fighting everything that can lead him to sin, to the destruction of God's plan within him. He is the enemy of sin, because, through the Holy Spirit, he was made a son in the Son Jesus Christ, a participant in the life of God. Once involved in the cause of salvation, he reveals divine wisdom and witness within himself, giving the world, as an example of salt, flavor and sustainability of faith. Through him, the world can find meaning and reason to be transformed.

It is important to note that the disciple "is Christ" present in history. Suffering persecution, he remains firm in his purpose of always being a true gift, not fearing the sacrifice of Kenosis (emptying) himself, renouncing everything for EVERYTHING. The disciple is the one who has Christ as the reason for his life, who, because of HIM, tolerates those who are not part of the community; he is the one who makes his life an existence in charity and a fight against evil in others and in himself, constantly vigilant and eliminating false securities. The disciple has, because of the Master and with Him, a crucified life. Therefore, woe to those who do harm to one of these disciples!

A strong and affectionate hug.

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