Disciples must not only be like children, but also care for the needy, the humble, the suffering in the community of faith; they must be true friends of the Master, his most effective instruments of goodness towards all. They must be understanding, merciful, supportive and available to God's "little ones", those who believe in the deepest simplicity of his existence; who have no power or rights; who, in truth, are not important to the dominant game of interests of the world. These little ones are the "pupils of Jesus" and, necessarily, also of his disciples, who, in turn, are also the same "pupils". Becoming like a child means living, in daily life, the very reality that Jesus lived: being everything for the other in the deepest surrender of oneself; lowering oneself as much as possible, so that the other may be raised to the glory of God. Like Jesus, the disciple is ready to fight evil and to bring about the inner transformation of sinners. Furthermore, being like children means allowing oneself to be enveloped and guided by the Holy Spirit, turning completely to the Father, crying out to Him, trusting Him, having Him as the only REASON for life and daily STRENGTH, being able to perceive His love, His presence and also HIS fatherly correction. It also means running into His arms in moments of joy or sadness, of security or insecurity, of hope or despair, because the most important thing is the certainty that the FATHER is the EVERYTHING of one's existence.
"What do you think?" The way Jesus educates is very different from what we are accustomed to seeing in those who call themselves "masters and doctors". He does not force others to think His way. On the contrary, His way of teaching leads the listener to reflect, allowing others to have the possibility of creating, from their own thoughts, a welcoming environment for those essential words, spoken in a fascinating way. The one who listens is the one who feels obliged to fight within himself, in order to attain that which has touched him in an extraordinary way.
Jesus reveals God's immense salvific interest. Jesus' coming into the world is, concretely, the answer to today's text. Through the Son, the Father came to seek out his creation, came to tell it how great his Love is and that he will never give up on his desire to save it, configuring it to the Son in the Holy Spirit. As in the parable of the prodigal son, here the text demonstrates the merciful initiative of salvation, that God cares about his own and wants them with him. The disciple knows that he is a "miserable insect", a nothing, but infinitely loved and protected by God. The text is clear when it says that the joy of having found the lost sheep is greater than that of having saved the ninety-nine. God truly looks at you and me, at any person, anywhere in the world, rich or poor, saint or sinner, ugly or beautiful, healthy or sick, wanting only one thing: that each one of us be found by Him.
At first, the lost sheep thinks it is free, can do anything, eat in any pasture, drink from any spring, sunbathe whenever it wants, bathe whenever it wants, but night comes, and then, in a second time, it begins to feel alone, without the shepherd to caress its forehead, look at a wound in its hoof, call its name and stay there, on guard, protecting it. Loneliness takes over its life, it is not at home, others want to use it, no one sees it as a sheep of the flock, but as a stranger in that environment; it is not welcomed, embraced, but treated almost as a cancer. There, it is at the mercy of everyone, its value thrown to the ground, its dignity hidden, its future in the hands of chance or tyrants. This is how we find men and women who flee from their saving home, who try to live as they see fit, who think they are masters of themselves, who choose a life without God. Even in this condition, God certainly comes to meet each one. Not as an executioner, not as a dictator, disrespecting the freedom that each one has, but in the way of Jesus Christ: Fascinating in words, obedient in action, Just in objective, Servant in mission, Friend of humanity according to his life in history and Merciful in attitude. Through the Word made flesh, the Father does not want to lose even one of his little ones, of all those who have made, are making and will make a life choice for Him; he does not want to lose the work of his hands. He does not want to lose you.
A big and loving hug.
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